Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Visa Korea

Ngajuin visa ke Korea gampang-gampang susah. Kalo di Jakarta sih bisa dateng ke kedubesnya langsung, ada seorang temen di fd yang malah cuman 15 menit jadi visanya. Kalo aq di Semarang ga mungkin dong yah harus terbang dulu, ga efisien banget, musti pake biro perjalanan dan ditolak oleh 2 biro perjalanan karena mereka takut aq bakal kerja disana, jaelahhhhh hahahhaaaaa... ada2 aja. Akhirnya ada yg mau, lewat Nusantara, dan dokumen yang harus disiapin:

-Formulir aplikasi yang sudah diisi(dari agen tour ato dari kantor dubesnya)
-Pasport asli 
-Foto 4x6 background putih terbaru
-FC Ijazah terakhir
-FC Akta Nikah (kalo udah nikah)
-Surat Ijin dari perusahaan pake meterai, menerangkan perusahaan memberikan ijin cuti pada saya
-Surat Referensi Bank (minta dari bank, bayar 50ribu rupiah)
-FC tagihan kartu kredit 3bln terakhir 
-FC buku bank 3 bulan terakhir, ato deposito juga boleh
-FC SIUP perusahaan

-FC Print out tiket yang sudah konfirmasi
-Biaya pengajuan visa 300ribu per orang, berhubung gw luar kota jadi 500ribu
-Itinerary mau kemana aja (aku buat tabel, lengkap dengan biaya yang akan dikeluarkan)

Untuk saldo bank, nah ini aq dag-dig dug derrr bangett, saldonya 300ribu doang T.T trus di minggu2 terakhir tiba2 jadi 14juta. Ada yang bilang sih penambahannya jangan sekaligus, jadi bertahap gitu. (terlanjur tapi....hiks) deposito juga ada yang bilang ga boleh, tapi berhubung saldo gw kurang, jadi terpaksa disertain. Juga FC SPT PPH tahunan gw. 

Tahapan nunggunya itu yang sambil doa, berharap moga2 lolos......
2 minggu kemudian gw ditelpon, udah jadi visanya, YEAYYYYYY!!!!  Thanks God ^^

Monday, 28 October 2013

3 BEST Hiking Destination in Korea

Korean loves hiking, even when they are old. That's why they always vigor and high spirit. If you want to copy their lifestyle for your health, you can try hiking in Korea. HOHOHOOO :)

From September to November is the most pleasant time to visit Korea as the weather is mild. Make it as the ideal month for Hiking in Korea. There are plenty of groups expats to join to find company while exploring the country's myriad mountain trails. Some of them are: Seoul Hiking Group and HOW IS (Hiking on Weekday in Seoul). Warren Kim, the starter of both groups was actually almost an alcoholic since two car accidents and injured knee. A trip to a nearby mountain made Kim realize that being in nature healed him psychologically, making him feel as if he could breathe again. He wanted to share with others, so he start those groups. 

Find and join his group here. If you want to hiking with your own groups. This list below maybe can help you find the best trekking course:

1. Seorak-san


Within 5 hours journey by bus from Seoul, Seoraksan is one of the best autumn destinations in Korea. The charm of Seoraksan is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at: http://traffictravel.com/south-korea-travel-guide-best-autumn-destinations/#sthash.P8bpbMt7.dpuf
Being one of 20 National park in Korea, Seorak-san is one of the best autumn destination in Korea. The charm of Seorak-san is when autumn leaves changing colors. scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. So put Seorak San in your first Hiking list now ^^
Getting there: 
From Seoul Station take Express Bus to Sokcho (3hours, 17.000 won). From the Sokcho bus station, cross the street head down the road a bit to the bus stop. From there, take either bus 7 or 7-1 to the last stop (15minutes, 1200 won) , the main entrance to Seoraksan National Park. The entrance fee is 3,400 for adults.
If you spend the night in the park, you will only have to pay this fee once. If you decide to stay in Sokcho, make sure that you double check when the last bus will be leaving. There are storage lockers located in several places just inside the entrance of the park.

is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at: http://traffictravel.com/south-korea-travel-guide-best-autumn-destinations/#sthash.P8bpbMt7.dpuf
is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at: http://traffictravel.com/south-korea-travel-guide-best-autumn-destinations/#sthash.P8bpbMt7.dpuf
is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at: http://traffictravel.com/south-korea-travel-guide-best-autumn-destinations/#sthash.P8bpbMt7.dpuf
is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at: http://traffictravel.com/south-korea-travel-guide-best-autumn-destinations/#sthash.P8bpbMt7.dpuf
Within 5 hours journey by bus from Seoul, Seoraksan is one of the best autumn destinations in Korea. The charm of Seoraksan is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at: http://traffictravel.com/south-korea-travel-guide-best-autumn-destinations/#sthash.P8bpbMt7.dpuf
Within 5 hours journey by bus from Seoul, Seoraksan is one of the best autumn destinations in Korea. The charm of Seoraksan is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at: http://traffictravel.com/south-korea-travel-guide-best-autumn-destinations/#sthash.P8bpbMt7.dpuf
Within 5 hours journey by bus from Seoul, Seoraksan is one of the best autumn destinations in Korea. The charm of Seoraksan is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at: http://traffictravel.com/south-korea-travel-guide-best-autumn-destinations/#sthash.P8bpbMt7.dpuf
Within 5 hours journey by bus from Seoul, Seoraksan is one of the best autumn destinations in Korea. The charm of Seoraksan is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at: http://traffictravel.com/south-korea-travel-guide-best-autumn-destinations/#sthash.P8bpbMt7.dpuf
Within 5 hours journey by bus from Seoul, Seoraksan is one of the best autumn destinations in Korea. The charm of Seoraksan is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at: http://traffictravel.com/south-korea-travel-guide-best-autumn-destinations/#sthash.P8bpbMt7.dpuf
2. Odaesan National Park

Odaesan is not far from Seoraksan National park, and nearby attractions to visit are Naksansa Temple, Samcheok and Yangyang’s Hajodae Pavilion, and Gyeongpodae. 


Gangneung is the primary access point for Odaesan and can be reached from Busan and Seoul via train or express bus. Gangneung Bus Terminal is a 5 minute taxi ride fromGangneung Train Station. From the terminal, take a bus to Jinbu (W3,400). The ride takes about 45 minutes. At Jinbu Terminal, local buses can be found at the back of the complex (pay on the bus). Buses to Woljeongsa stop at the Minbak Village, which has all the lodging options for the southwest entrance. The ride takes about 20 minutes. If you want to go straight to the trailhead, take a bus to Sangwonsa, located about 8.3 km beyond Woljeongsa (50 min).

3. Jiri-san

Unlike Seoraksan which looks softer and calmer, Jirisan National Park offers you a more adventurous experience.  The area is known as one of the cleanest natural environments in Korea. And the autumn scenery is one of the most beautiful that you cannot miss! 

The autumn scenery in Jirisan starts from mid-October and more vivid color happens on late October. The crimson leaves beautiful scenery is what people are amazed of as they hike up the path. TO see one of the best autumn scenery here is from Piagol Valley. It also has accommodations on the mountain slopes so visitors can have a short-term stay here. During the fall season peak, local people celebrate Piagol Valley Crimson Leaves Festival. Jirisan is famous among tourists, so if you wish to witness the scenic autumn in Korea .


From Jinju Intercity Bus Terminal, take an intercity bus to Jungsan-ri (중산리).
*Bus Schedule: 06:10-21:10, runs 16 times a day

Famous as international hiking destination, South Korea offers various park, ranging from smooth, rolling hills and valleys to ragged, craggy ridges and sheer, rocky cliffs.
So how guys? Are u ready to hike? :D
Find more in: http://koreaclimbs.blogspot.com

3 MUST Visit Area in Seoul

For those who first travelling to Korea must be confuse about which places near to each other? Here I make 3 MUST Visit Area in Seoul. It definitely will shorten your list and efficient for your trip.

1. Hongdae, Ehwa university, and Sinchon university are near to each other in a walking distance.

The best time to visit them is after lunch until midnight. There is Hongdae free market every Saturday near Hongik university.  You’ll be rewarded with plenty of free music performances (your future K-pop star may be standing right in front you!) and cool hand-crafted arts by the Hongik University students, amid a vibrant indie atmosphere all around.
Look at those cute doll, so unique!!

Hongik University Station (Subway Line 2), Exit 9. 
Go 150m straight, and cross the street.
Turn left, and go 500m straight towards the Hongik University entrance.
Turn right to arrive at Hongik Children's Park.
Cat's Cafe

What will you find there?
Hongdae: Lots of themed cafe: Hello Kitty, Snoopy, Coffee Prince, cats and dogs cafe, halloween cafe, and many people sell clothing, earings, necklaces, they are in adorable prices. Also have Nanta show, and trick eye museum.
Ehwa and Sinchon : University area...many people sell clothing and accessories with affordable price. And as usual, the streets of Seoul are paved with delicious snacks.

2. Ihwa-dong, Dongdaemun, Myeongdong, and Namdaemun also close each other.

Make sure you know how to walk. I walk from Dongdaemun to Myeongdong, but lost in the way of searching Namdaemun way so use subway then :p

What will you find there?

- Ihwa dong: Hyehwa station (line4) exit 2: 
Turn left into Dongsung-gil street, walk 200m towards Lock museum, and follow the mural. It's a huge public mural projects in Seoul. The murals are renewed every year!!
Hyehwa mural
- Dongdaemun: Hello apm, Migliore, Good morning city, Doosan Tower(doota) provide convenient and modern shopping environment. They sell clothing, watches, skincare, foodcourt, and everything you wish in the shopping center. If you don't know what souvenirs will you bring back, Doota offers alot in 5th floor. I bought some keychain and magnet there. 
Some tips:
1. Look around Doota first and then Migliore. Migliore often has same products as in Doota and you can haggle at Migliore.
2. Hello apm offer the lowest price of them all. But as you know, no two clothing are the same. 
3. Most stores open at AM 10: 30 and close at PM 5.
4. Closing
Doota closes from 11pm Sunday ~ 8pm Monday
Migliore closes on Monday
APM and Good morning City closes on Tuesday
(on closing hours, check out the road market situated in front the complexes)
Hello apm and good morning city in Dongdaemun

- Myeongdong: Myeongdong offers skincare in every step. The face shop located next to Holika holika and etude house is just in the next door. ^^ Wooohooooooo!!!!!!! U can freely choose. And one thing I love about them is they always offer free sample without needed to ask. I lazy to ask sample, but they generously give so much!!!


- Namdaemun: Well after visiting Dongdaemun and Myeongdong, I go to Namdaemun with not much cash left and low level of shopping appettite, LOL =))) They also sell children's clothing, men, and women's clothing, daily miscellaneous goods, kitchenware and local and imported products. Actually I interested to go to the food street and jokbal street!! They seems yummy!!

3. Gangnam Area

Take subway to Sinsa Station(Line 3)

  • Walk to Garosu-gil, the bohemian, tree-lined street with restaurant, cafes, and boutiques. This is a good place to have lunch.
  • Apgujeong, known as the " Beverly Hills of Seoul" even has its own Rodeo drive.
    • Apgujeong is the leading fashion mecca, formed as a cultural zone with a high propensity for consumption. It creates leading fashion trends, customer friendly shops, foreign brand shops with high-quality goods
    • You can visit the famous "de chocolate coffee", and "mango six cafe" here.
  • Bongeunsa Temple
    • Want to see the contrast between old and new in most extreme? Get on the subway, head to Samseong Station(Line2) and walk to Bongeunsa Temple. Founded in 8th century, the view of the graceful Korean buildings, with the glittering skyscraper of Gangnam looming just beyond them, really leaves an impression. Be sure to visit on Buddha's Birthday, when it hosts a paper lantern exhibit
  • End your day at COEX Mall
  • COEX Mall
    •  It is Asia's largest underground shopping mall with an area of about 85,000 square metres
    • Along with hundreds of shops, the mall houses two food courts, Megabox (movie theatres),COEX Aquarium, a large bookstore, and the Kimchi Field Museum. It also features a game area which is used to film computer game tournaments.
So we finish with 3 must visit area in Seoul. You never officially in Seoul without touching those 3 area! ^_^

Have fun guys!

Friday, 25 October 2013


Ada seorang temen yang bertanya, apa sih bedanya KORAIL, AREX, dan METRO?
Jadi inget gw dulu juga puyeng nyari perbedaannya ampe bongkar2 google :p
Nah ini gw rangkumin sekarang biar ga lupa :p :

Korail dibagi 2: Korea Airport Railroad atau Korail biasa
a. Korail Airport Railroad:  Ini adalah kereta yang gw pakai dari Airport ke Hongik University Station.
Kereta ini berhenti di 8 stasiun yaitu: Incheon Airport, Unseo, Geomam, Gyeyang, Gimpo International Airport, Digital Media City, Hongik University, Gongdeok, dan Seoul Station.
Alasan inilah yang membuat gw mencari guesthouse di daerah Hongik University Station (Hongdae). Jadi dari airport langsung aja naik Korail Airport Railroad, sekitar 5000won dari Incheon Airport ke Hongdae dan memakan waktu sekitar 1,5 jam.
b. Korail biasa melayani rute luar kota mulai dari Seoul ke Suwon, Daejeon, Ulsan, Gupo sampai ke Busan

web: https://www.arex.or.kr/jsp/eng/index.jsp 

AREX ini sebenernya sama aja beli tiketnya di Airport juga. Mesin beli tiketnya juga jadi satu dengan Korail. NGGA jadi satu, di seberangnya, jadi ceritanya waktu itu gw mau beli tiket ke Hongdae, kok pilihannya cuman Seoul Station doang?????? gimana iniiiiii???? ternyata di seberangnya,  buakakakkakaakkk  Kepanjangan dari Airport Express. Jadi kalo di Korail kita bisa bebas milih mau berenti di station mana, kalo AREX  ini langsung cuman 1 aja ke Seoul Station. Harga tiketnya 8000won, namanya juga express, jadi cuman 45 menit dari Incheon Airport ke Seoul Station, dan berlaku juga sebaliknya.


Metro ini perusahaan yang mengoperasikan subway di Seoul. Rutenya ajegileeeee..... buat yang merasa MRT di Singapore petanya ruwet, ini lebih ruwet lagi -___- Bukan ruwet sih lebih tepatnya lebih banyak station, wkakakkaaaa bayangin kalo lagi ga ada kerjaan berhenti di setiap station gitu berapa minggu yang dihabisin yak? :p Tapi subwaynya nyaman bangett kok tempat duduknya, meskipun tetep aja di beberapa subway ga stroller friendly, susah bawa kereta bayi, juga susah bawa koper (seperti sayahh *_* )
Satu hal lagi tentang Seoul subway: misal kita di Seoul station, jadi arah ke kiri dan ke kanannya itu station sesudahnya(NEXT station), bukan LAST station seperti di Singapore. Lebih enak sih, menurut guee :)

Trus bayarnya pake apa?
1. Cash: beli di tiap station ada mesin yang jual tiket ^^
2. T-money:
T-money ini seperti Octopus card di Hongkong, atau EZ card di Singapore. Bisa buat naik subway, arex, ama korail, bahkan bisa buat belanja di seven-eleven (7-11)
3. Korea Pass:
Korea Pass ini dibedakan untuk Seoul dan Busan, untuk Seoul hanya bisa dipakai di Seoul, untuk Busan juga hanya bisa dipakai di Busan. Ini kartu khusus untuk foreigner dalam rangka program Visit Korea 2012. Tapi kartu ini ga bisa buat beli tiket AREX atopun KORAIL, jadi cuman subway, ama belanja2 aja di toko-toko kayak Lotte DS, Lottemart, Hello apm dan Doota juga banyak yg bisa. :)

Sekian sekilas infoh, semoga berguna

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Taste of Korea- Chicken

There is a certain dining etiquette when it comes to eating chicken that you should keep in mind in Korea:
  1. The Legs are the prized part of the chicken, so they should be shared or offered to the most important person at the table. So in some K-dramas you'll often see the legs part often offered first to parents, guests, or lover.
  2. Wings should not be offered to a loved one lest they "fly away"
In the past, chicken needed to be prepared in the way to increase the nutrients, so it was often stuffed with rice and boiled in soup with oriental herbs, ginseng, and potatoes. It also braised in sauces, roasted, an fried. Korean loves to eat chicken feet and gizzard; the latter is called "dak ddongjip"
The chicken is also the animal believed to carry the soul. So in old funeral caskets, you'll often find chicken.

So, ready for some chicken restaurant? :D

1. Bongchu Jjimdak.
Jjim means Korean steamed/boiled dish while dak refers to chicken.
This is the most famous chicken restaurant in Seoul. Bongchu Jjimdak sauce is sweet, savory, spicy, and has lots of garlic and ginger. The sauce has many chunks of chicken, tender potatoes, carrots, and thick sweet potato noodles. You should try to mix bongchu jjimdak with toasted rice, but be sure not to let it get too soggy. The juxtaposing textures of soft and savory makes it an epic end-of-the-meal treat.

- 2F, 663-7 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul. Apgujeong Stn. (Line 3, Exit 2) 15min walk.
25-2, 2-ga Myeong-dong, Chung-gu, Seoul, South Korea  (Alight atMyeongdong Station (Line 4), Exit 8. Walk straight till you see the small alley on your left and turn in. Walk all the way straight for about 5 minutes and the store is on your left)
Price: 20.000won/2-3person

2. Korean Fried Chicken at Hanchu

KFC in Korea stands for Korean Fried Chicken. Once you try Korean Fried Chicken, you'll forget "Kentucky Fried Chicken" or another fried chicken!! The fried chicken here is encapsuled in shockingly crisp batter that has an elusive peppery kick. Hanchu is the place where locals go to get their fried chicken desires fulfilled. This fried chicken should be at the top of your bucket list!!

549-9 Shinsa-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul
Price:17.000won for 2-3 person

3. Chicken Soup for Your Korean Soul

When you need some chicken soup in Korea, I'll suggest you get some "dakhanmari" in Dongdaemun. This area has dozens of those "whole chicken soup" joints, and they all serve these rustic dish with subtel healing properties. Health is the most important part of a meal in Korea. In Jinokhwa Halmae Dak, the broth has this lift of delicate herbs with a warming garlic note that is accented by the fresh green onions. This is must-have-taste experience while in Korea.

265-8 Jongno 5-ga, Jongno-guSeoulSouth Korea (Walk straight from Exit 9 of Dongdaemun station and turn left at the first junction. Walk straight and turn to the alley on your right...You might miss the alley so take note. The restaurant is full of people)
Price: 18.000won for 2-3 person

4. Samgyetang

For Korean, food is also medicine. So they put herbs inside the ingredients makes it taste like a herbal medicine, but very delicious and also healthy. Samgyetang is very good for your stamina and give you strength after tiring day. The most famous samgyetang is in Tosokchon area, near Gyeongbokgung Palace. Beware of long queue, you should come before 11 am if you don't want to queue long!

- 85-1 Chebu-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, South Korea.
Directions: Subway line 3, Gyeongbokgung Station, exit 2. Walk 120 meters towards Hyoja-dong. You will past “popoyes”, then look for GS25 convenience store, turn into the small lane at the corner of this store. Turn left onto Jihamun-ro 5-gil.
Price: 21.000won for 3-4people

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

7 Delicious Korean Drink

Many kinds of drink in Korea. I definitely like them so mucchhhh!! They are very special I can't find anywhere out of Korea. Here are my list:


For those who watch K-drama alot like me, drinking soju is always inside the drama. Make me curious what does it taste? They seems to drink alot!! :D

As the ubiquity of these glittering green bottles in virtually every eating and drinking establishment should tell you: soju is Korea’s national liquor. For a nation of lushes, soju provides a cheap and effective way to get hammered.
The two major soju brands that dominate the Seoul market – Chamisul (참이슬) and Chum Churum (처음 처럼) – usually cost just 3,000 per bottle at a restaurant (about 1,000 if you want to keep it real at the convenience store). The taste resembles that of slightly sweet, watered-down vodka – sort of like sugar dissolved in rubbing alcohol.
But don’t judge soju solely by those brands. Regional brands outside Seoul offer interesting, and even delicious sojus. Andong soju, despite its higher alcohol content, is hand-crafted and has a clean, subtle character that is more akin to sake than other sojus. 
Wanna know soju best friend's? It's FRIED CHICKEN!! Recommendable!!

Makgeolli is the oldest alcohol in Korea. Unlike soju or other clear alcohols, it is unfiltered, giving a milky white color with some sediment at the bottom. It is sweet and smooth, with a little tang and the right amount of carbonation to make it refreshing. Recently makgeolli has made a comeback with younger generations as a fruit cocktail, a drink made with Chilsung Cider (Korea’s version of Sprite), and other incarnations. Makgeolli is best though, when it is made by hand from pure ingredients – meaning, rice. Enjoy it with pajeon (파전) a savory pancake or bindaetteok (빈대떡), a mung bean pancake. 
Wolhyang (월향) in Hongdae makes its own organic brown rice makgeoli that stands at 15 percent alcohol, but tastes better than the cheap stuff.
Wolhyang. 335-5 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu (마포구 서교동 335-5); +82 2 332 9202; Monday-Wednesday, noon-4 a.m., Thursday-Saturday, noon-1 a.m.

3. Banana Milk (바나나우유

For many Koreans, banana milk conjures up memories of childhood. And if you try it, you’ll understand why: it’s simple, sugary, and totally addictive.
The most popular brand, Binggrae, has cultivated a loyal following since it hit the shelves in 1974, a time when bananas were a luxury food. Since then, Binggrae has set its sights on the next generation, having the ever-popular Girl’s Generation (소녀시대) and the lead actor of Boys Over Flowers (꽃보다남자) Lee Min-ho (이민호) star in its commercials. 
Sold at your local Family Mart. 


Bokbunja is a blackberry native to Korea. The wine is the color of oxblood, and its sweet, berry flavor is reminiscent more of dessert wine than a red wine.
The drink has traditionally been associated with male virility, and it wasn’t until 2008 that a team of Korean scientists confirmed that the berry increased testosterone levels and sperm counts in mice. Talk about an aphrodisiac. 

5.Cheongju (청주)

Need a break from soju? Try ordering a bottle of cheongju, literally meaning “clear liquor” –- the most popular (and readily available) brand being Chung Ha. Rice wine like Cheongju have been fermented multiple times, giving them a pure and sweet taste. Chungha costs about 1,000 more than soju, which is well worth the price if you think soju tastes like rocket fuel. 

6.Sungnyung (숭늉

Before the advent of nickel silver and non-stick pots and rice cookers, Koreans cooked rice in heavy iron cauldrons like cast iron. After cooking rice in those iron pots or hot stone bowls, a crust of roasted rice (called nurungji [누룽지]) sticks to the bottom – hard, crunchy, and delicious. In order to clean the pot, people pour in water or barley tea. The water sizzles in the pot and loosens the rice. The warm and starchy broth you have as a postprandial palate cleanser is known as sungnyung.  
At Jeonju Restaurant (전주식당) they will prepare sungnyung for you after the meal.
 Jeonju Restaurant (전주식당). 281-9 Jongro 5-Ga, Jongro-gu (종로구 종로5 281-9); +82 02 2267 6897; Monday-Saturday, 6:30 a.m.-9 p.m., closed on Sunday.

7. Sikhye (식혜)

A sweet rice drink, is one of Korea’s most cherished non-alcoholic beverages. It is usually made from rice, malt water and sugar, and often flavored with ginger and pine nuts. 
During New Year’s, as part of tradition, our family visited many elderly relatives to pay our respects (세배 saebae). I didn’t particularly enjoy every visit (kind of boring to sit thru adults conversation.. ;) ) but what I always looked forward to was eating the traditional Korean snacks and drinks that was served at each home.
Back then (late 60′s, early 70′s), in almost every home, Korean moms made at least one of two (if not both) drinks at home for the New Year holiday : Shikhye (or Sikhye 식혜) or Soojeongkwa (수정과). And along with these drinks, sweets like yakwa and hankwa was offered. I LOVED the sweet taste of shikhye, especially the soft, melt in your mouth rice that came floating in the drink. As for Soojeongkwa – I never found it yummy. Because I never liked the hot spicy taste of cinnamon and ginger together. There is usually so much of both, I felt my mouth was on fire!!!
Anyway, sadly, like many things these days, it is hard to find real home made shikhye anymore. If you ever tasted the canned sikhye that is available in most Korean markets – I am so sorry… that is really NOT anything close to what the real one tastes like. The canned sikhye is nothing but sugar water. The real sikhye flavors are just not there…sad, sad:(

You can try to find homemade sikhye in Salt Doll Restaurant

Salt doll (소금인형). 183-32 Nakwon-dong, Jongro-gu (종로구 낙원동 183-32);+82 02 725 8587; Sunday-Saturday; noon-11 p.m.

Taste of Korea- Tteok

We maybe all know the most famous "tteokpokki" snack that you can easily find in every corner of the street in Seoul with price range from 2000 to 2500 won for one person. It taste sour, sweet and spicy. For Indonesian who used to eat spicy food like me ,it's not spicy enough!! But my western friends eat until very sweaty they say very spicyyyyy!!!! :p

If you are willing to learn a little from "tteok", there are many many storiesss behind this "rice cake". It has long and interesting history in Korea. Eating with a new understanding will give you new experience in every single bite ^_^

History of Tteok
Tteok-rice cake
Tteok- "rice cake"- is  inextricably entangled with the lives of everyone in Korea. From birth to death, and even beyond, tteok is present in every rite of passage, every transition, and every celebration. On the 100th day after you are born, your family celebrates with BAEKSOLGITTEOK to wish your purity and honesty in all your days. 

There are 3 types of tteok in Korean 100day baby's celebration:
1. The really soft and chewy ones stuffed with red beans (the tan, white and brown ones). 2. The shiny green, red and pink ones have a liquid honey centre. 
3. The cake-like multi-colour slices are much drier, not very sweet at all and even though they look mighty pretty, they're definitely my least favourite.

Every new years day, people eat TTEOKGUK, a rice cake soup, to represent the aging process. 
Every Chuseok, SONGPYEONS-the half moon shaped tteok-are made to bless the new harvest. 
And each time you move, SISUTTEOK is shared with your neighbors to ward off any evil spirits around. It's hard to think of any other food as culturally symbolic and ubiquitos as "TTEOK"

New Types of Tteok
Today there are 198 types of tteok in Korea.A great number of innovation. New model, new shape, new color create healthier, colorful type of tteok. One of the innovator is Kim Ok Hee, the owner of Yeouido Tteok Bang in Yeouido. For her, a dish prepared with happiness will be thoroughly enjoyed. So, if you craving for "tteok" in Korea, I suggest you to go to Yeouido Tteok Bang. You can find hundred types of tteok there!!

Direction: Daechi Station (line3) exit 5, walk 5 minutes towards Mido Arcade. Yeouido Tteok Bang is located in the basement.