Thursday, 12 December 2013

Singapore with BPI

Ini tiketnya udah dibeli dari taon lalu....rencananya sih pengen dibuang aja tiketnya karena ga ada yang nemenin pergi...lagian Singapore sekali cukup lah, isinya dikit doang :p Iseng aja sih bikin thread di BPI cari temen buat jalan2 bareng. Dalam hati sih, terserah deh, ada yang ikut gw brangkat, ga ada ya dibuang ajah :p Diluar dugaan banyak yang respon, ada 15an kali ye, sampe lupa dan harus buat buku khusus buat nyatetin mereka smua *errrrrrrr dan pada akhirnya yang berangkat 8 orang sajah =)))) lumayan sih daripada thread bikinan si Rasya yang pesertanya cuman Freddy *saingan mode on*

Orang pertama yang ketemu gw adalah si Adith.

Ni orang kocak abis, narsis banget, poto2 mulu ampe diliatin orang2, gw jadi ikut malu-maluin deh disana =.="" *tercemar nama baek gwnya =)))*

Abis gitu kita ketemuan deh ama si Wa-One, gila lagi ini orang dari jauh udah tereak-tereak "siva ya?" *pura2ga kenal-pura2ga kenal* Dia ini orang Purbalingga yang kerja di Makasar, tapi berangkatnya dari Surabaya.....
Wawan ma Adith

Dan rencananya lagi kita nunggu si Dian. Wa_one udah bawa boardmarker segala buat nulis, kita nyampe jam 11, Dian rencana nyampe jam 12. Ditungguin ampe jam 1, kitanya udah laper bok ga makan dari pagi, cuman ngemil goodtime doang di pesawat...tenaga tinggal 5watt, udah deh kita jalan pelan2 sambil tengok kanan-kiri siapa tau ada Dian...kita menuju ke Train to the City....woooohooooooooo =))

Saking serunya kita ngobrol sambil poto2 di MRT, ga pada sadar nih kalo ternyata di Tanah Merah itu semua penumpang udah turun, tinggal kita bertiga aja, dan dengan damainya si MRT balik lagi ke Changi. WHATTTTTTTTT?????? laperr... mana kita kan belum booking hostel, gila banget emang anak2 udah gw tanyain dari kapan hari mau di hostel mana? budget berapaan? ga pada mau jawab, tadinya mau di bearygood, ratenya 27SGD, tapi pada keberatan, ya udah cozy corner aja 18-20SGD. Abis gitu pada nanya kenapa ga di ABC hostel aja? bisa 16SGD. Woooyyy tapi gw ogah kalo 10 orang per dorm itu kebanyakan, berasa jadi wajib militer aja gw. 6 orang masih OK lah, acceptable :)

Gw udah persiapan sih bakalan susah nih nyari hostel, biasa kan alamat suka ga ada nomernya, tulisannya kecil-kecil, jadi kita ke bugis MRT, dan cari singtel dulu. Beli 15SGD, trus makan deket bugis 3,5SGD. Dan untungnya tempat kita makan ternyata persis di bawahnya hostel kita nginep... Naek ke atas tanpa booking, tapi tetep dapet kamar sih, meskipun kita bertiga ga sekamar dan si adith yg sendirian. Untung bukan gw yang sendirian, mana temen sekamarnya serem2 ada yang gondrong segala O_o  #errrrrrrrr

Gw sempet2in mandi sih, soalnya dari pagi emang ga mandi, daripada temen2 pingsan kan, ehhhhh malah 2 makhluk yg bersama gw ini pada ga mau mandi!!! *jauhjauhjauhjauhhh Let's start the day1

Ke Clarke Quay. Ini tempatnya resto, pub, and club. Disini kita ketemu ama Dian, trus acaranya PPAG *potopotoampegila* di CQ ajah, trus maem malem di Chinatown. Sapa itu di BPI sifufu nanya di hawker center mana makan masih 2,5 SGD? Ternyata hampir semua hawker center harganya masih sama kok, antara 2-4 SGD lah. Kalo di mall mah bedaaa yaaaaaaaa.......(:
Abis maem malem kita ke Mustofa (dkt MRT Farrer Park) borong2 coklat...ama beli counterpain titipan temen, si adith ikutan beli counterpain buat kakinya yg gempor *ketauan ga pernah olahraga*

Pada semangat, jam 6.18 si Adith udah bbm: ayoo sarapann! Gw masih mau mandi kali yeee...*meskipun kamar mandi ada shower yg ga bisa nyala, ampe gw mikir, apa cuman gw disini yang mandinya jongkok gini yak? *garuk2* Jadwalnya sih jam 7 kita ketemuan di MRT Raffles Place. Dian sih pake beda hostel, parno dia kalo belum book takutnya mahal ato ga dapet bed kalo kita langsung on the spot... Molorrrr si diannya ampe jam 9 lebih.....hooooaaa maunya pagi2 tuh karena kalo agak siangan rame Merlion-nya. Ampir diusir satpam gara2 nunggu kelamaan di MRT =))) Abis itu kita ke Sentosa (MRT Harbourfront) narsis2 ria, tapi encok nek encokkkk *_* Poto2 di sentosa, ampe nyari tulisan SILOSO-beach-nya =DDD. Trus kita nekat cebur2an meski ga bawa ganti. Kalo liat aer ga bisa diem, bawaannya pengen nyeburr aja. Trus malemnya sempetin mampir MRT Bayfront buat liat show-nya Gardens by the Bay ama Marina Bay. Sebenernya ga inget juga jadwal shownya jam berapa...cuman pas kebetulan aja ini mah ada dewi fortuna lewat.

Pengen banget ke Chinese garden ama Japanese gardennya SG, biar keliatannya udah ke Jepun ama China, hahahhaaaa... trus kita lanjut ke Science Center, ketemuan ama temen SMA gw yg udah merit trus tinggal disini, kita diajarin naik bis deh, soalnya ke Science Center paling deket emang naek bis..mirip2 ma Trans studio sih. Bagusan Trans studio malah :p

Malemnya kita ke Orchard. Salah satu yang wajib di Singapore...poto di bawah yg ada tulisan "ORCHARD ROAD"-nya.. Abis gitu iya rencananya Rasya ketemuan ma kita sore jam 4an, tapi ga ketemu di bugis MRT, ya udah deh malemnya kita samperin ke kamarnya, untungnya dia cowo berdua kan, ga kuatir gwnya.

Udah mulai bingung nih mau maen kemana lagi X_X hari ini juga perpisahan ama si Adith...trus formasi kali ini berubah: gw, wa_one, rasya, ma freddy. Ratu minyak gw, ngiahaha. Untungnya sih si Freddy pengertian, jadi kita ke tempat yg belum pernah aja, daripada gw harus bolak-balik ke tempat yg kemaren2 lagi. Ya udah deh, kita ke Singapore Botanic Garden.

Akhirnya Rasya ma Freddy ini naek kereta, padahal kan enak naek bis, ada barengannya ama Cinde juga tuh naik bis 170  ke Johor,
haltenya deket dari bugis,
trus rencana mereka sih tour 7 negara dalam sebulan gila kan?

Last day: Singapore National Museum
Tadinya pengen buat catetan komplit pengeluaran berapa duit, tapi malem2nya aja udah males banget, paling si wa_one doang yg nyatet :p Dia bilang sih total 5 hari dia keluar 1,8 juta doang, excl. tiket PP. Murah banget yo?
Namanya juga backpacker :p

Thursday, 5 December 2013

25 Question before End 2013

25 Questions to Ask Yourself Before the End of 2013
1. What am I most proud of this year?
I'm proud I find my another self! I'm proud that now I can swimming, even try diving *still in swimming pool* give me one year I can dive in the ocean! I'm proud I can face my fear. Fear of heights, fear of deep water, fear of loneliness. I trade it with passion. Substitute my anxiety with serenity.

2. How can I become a better _____________?
Hmmm...kinda hard qn....I want to be better in keeping relationship. I know myself very bad in keeping relationship.

3. Where am I feeling stuck?
Sometimes I feel stuck in my workplace. Can I change? Sometimes want to pursue my postgraduate degree :(

4. Where do I need to allow myself grace?
Beautiful. I have a small eyes I know, but I can never find anyone have any more kind eye than me :p

5. Am I passionate about my career?
I kinda enjoy my job and my colleagues are just nice. Awesome!!

6. What lessons have I learned?
I can do everything I commit to do. Go BIG or Go Home!!!

7. What did my finances look like?
Good. Well I'm not rich but I know how to complacent myself

8. How did I spend my free time?
hang out with friends, eating together, watch movie

9. How well did I take care of my body, mind, and soul?
I feed them everyday even sometimes hard to keep in balance.

10. How have I been open-minded?
I consider myself quite open-minded.

11. When did I feel most creatively inspired?
listening to new song, go a new place, do something new

12. What projects have I completed?
50kgs weight from 40kgs :p

13. How have I procrastinated?
Hummmmmm........blogging,,,,,and some trivia I don't have any mood to do.....sometimes I procrastinating asking something from someone.......*errrrrrrrrrr

14. In what ways can I re-structure my time?
sleep more late? :p

15. How have I allowed fear of failure hold me back?
Because of fear....sometimes I hold back from someone.....I have trust in myself.  I can live well with myself.. When I start to love someone, that's the point I start to fear.....dare not to trust.....I'm afraid I will get hurt again...afraid later get hurt can I still live?

16. Where has self-doubt taken over?
swimming, weight gain, independence :p

17. When have I felt the most alive?
Travelling, dancing!!

18. How have I taught others to respect me?
Put everything in a right place. Be respectable.

19. How can I improve my relationships?
I dont know

20. Have I been unfair to anyone?

21. Who do I need to forgive?

22. Where is it time to let go?
I always let go everything that not belong to me. Everything that belong to me will always stay. No doubt.

23. What old habits would I like to release?
lazzzyyyyyyyyyyy -___________-

24. What new habits would I like to cultivate?

25. How can I be kind to myself?
present for myself. xixixii i like to do that !!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Sertifikat Penunjukan Korea Supporter

Sudah agak lama nih ga updet blog....lagi suibukkkk banget kerjaan, sibuk jadi seksi konsumsi tour di kantor, sibuk ngurusin anak2 BPI, sibuk macem2, hooooaaaaa tiba2 ada paket dateng mengingatkanku akan tugas negara, hahahahaaa..... Isinya surprise banget, never see something like this before.

1. Natural Love Soap.

Apaan nih bentuknya lucuk , sukaaaaaaaaaaa :DD
Warnanya lebih mirip batu alam daripada sabun. Dikonfirmasi terbuat dari batu Jade dari ChunCheon yang bisa menangkal radikal bebas dalam tubuh, menghilangkan racun, antiaging, dan anti stress. Wahhh Korea kalo produk antiaging gini jago deh! Udah aku coba buat mandi, hihi, emang ga sewangi sabunnya HERA sih, tapi kok tumitku yang biasanya buat amplas, sekarang jadi kembali seperti kulit bayi, beneran surprise, padahal makenya juga cuman bentar doang.. :)

2. K-Shuttle USB Flashdisk

Tadinya dikira tiket K-shuttle, trus apaan nih bisa dibuka2 gitu, ternyata USB, dan ternyata USB-nya 15 GB ^_^ Gede banget kan, berasa harddisk external deh. Thank u so much ya KTO ^^

3. Images of Korea

Postcard2 hasil pemenang kontes foto-nya Korea Tourism tahun 2011 ^_^ Bagus2 bangett
*Ini apa sih gambarnya gw bolak-balik juga tetep aja kebalik, udah uplod bolak-balik neh -.-"""

4. Sertifikat gw

Wooooo udah resmi gwnya sekarang woy jadi agen KTO selama setahun :) *PROUD*

5.Korea Cuisine Cookbook

Ini sebenernya menginspirasi buat masak, tapi bahannya agak susah, musti cari bahan pengganti yg ada disini nih. Resep2 masakan Korea. Looks yummy!!! Pengen nyobain dong gw dong.

5. Brosur2 Korea Tour

Banyak info2 baru yg baru aku tau, salah satunya program Koreastay ini. Bisa tinggal bareng ama keluarga di Korea, ga mahal juga kok. Have a new family, why not?
Next post gw bahas deh ini ^^

Saturday, 2 November 2013

November- December Festival in Korea

I really can't think of another country with such impressive history and resilience as that of Korea! So many festivals to celebrate in Korea. You can check the festival in all seasons: HERE
And for this November and December this is my highlight:

1. Seoul Lantern Festival

1-17 Nov 2013

Seoul Lantern Festival kicks off yesterday. This is great exhibit in central Seoul in the cheonggyecheon stream. If you in Seoul now or plan to visit Seoul in this day. Don't miss it guys!!
Admission: Free

2. Seoul Independent Film Festival 

28 Nov 2013- 6 Dec 2013

Busan hosts Film Festival every October, Seoul also hosts Independent Film Festival annually. This year, Seoul independent 39th Festival will conduct in November 28 to December 6.

Location:CGV Apgujeong and the independent movie theater, INDIESPACE
Admission: Ticket prices is 6,000won for general screenings and the closing ceremony, 8,000won for the opening ceremony, 10,000won for night-time screenings, and 40,000won for day-pass tickets. 

3.Seoul Design Festival

18 Dec 2013- 22 Dec 2013

The Seoul Design Festival venue is located in COEX, which is directly connected to Exit 5 and 6 of Samseong Station (Subway Line 2).
Performance Times
10:30-19:00 (Last admission: 18:00)

4.Busan Port Lighting Festival 

8-17 Nov 2013

Well known as Second Largest city in Korea, Busan also known as the largest city port in Korea. If you plan to visit Korea this November, Busan worth the visit too ^^ 
Location: Songdo Beach area , Busan
1) Nampo Station (Busan Subway Line 1), Exit 1.

Go to the bus stop 120m ahead.

Take Bus 9, 9-1, 26, 30 or 71 to Songdo Beach.

During the annual Busan Port Lighting Festival, a myriad of lights illuminate the port area, while various performances and experience programs take place across the city. Some of the highlights of the festival include the hot air balloon station and the International Performance Art Camp, which stages several light and laser shows.
Programs Highlights
- Opening Ceremony
- Light plaza
- Light experience hall
- Performances
- Light exhibitions

Additional Events

- Luminarie Light Plaza

5. Chrysanthemum Exhibition 

5 Oct - 30 November 2013

The Garden of Morning Calm in Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do hold a chrysanthemum exhibition this autumn from October 5 to November 30, 2013. 

This year’s chrysanthemum exhibition has both indoor and outdoor exhibits. The indoor exhibition will showcase around 500 potted plants cultivated with care for over a year. Meanwhile, some 3,000 chrysanthemum blossoms of 300 different varieties will welcome visitors at the 33,000㎡ outdoor garden. 

The colorful and fragrant flowers create a gorgeous autumn atmosphere at the Garden of Morning Calm. All admission ticket holders can enjoy the exhibition for free. Admission ticket is 8000won

6.Seoul Photo Festival 

1 Nov 2013-1 Dec 2013

The city of Seoul designated November as photography month and has been hosting the Seoul Photo Festival, an annual photo exhibition, since 2010. Photos taken by professional photographers, as well as photos by amateur photographers were selected through a contest and are displayed around Seoul for about a month. This year, the exhibition is held under a theme of ‘Village Community and Photo Archives’. The fact that photos by Seoul citizens and netizens around the country will be exhibited is the special feature of the exhibition.

Seoul Museum of Art (서울시립미술관)
City Hall Station (Seoul Subway Line 1, 2), Exit 1.
Go to the right and turn down the first street on your left before Deoksugung Palace.
Keep going for 5 minutes; the museum is on a small hill to the left.
Admission: Free 

7. Yeongdong Dried Persimmons Festival

12 Dec - 22 Dec 2013

Yeongdong is the largest fruit-producing center in Korea, it is even known as the Holy Land of Fruit. In Yeongdong, persimmons are seen in nearly every home in fall. Due to the intense sunshine received by the area, the persimmons grown in the region are sweet and flavorful and so are the dried persimmons. During the Yeongdong Dried Persimmons Festival, fruit producers and customers alike gather to celebrate one of the region’s most famous fruits.

At the Yeongdong Dried Persimmons Festival visitors can experience persimmon jam making, persimmon peeling, and can even enjoy foot bathing with persimmon leaves and persimmon peels.

From Seoul Station, take a train to Yeongdong (영동) then take a taxi to Nangye Hall (5-10min)
* Train Schedule: 06:05-22:50, runs 26 times a day

Friday, 1 November 2013

6 Things About HONGDAE

Hongdae, or Hongik University station is one of the most favourite tourist attraction in Seoul. I myself like soooo muchhhhhh Hongdae area. What I love about Hongdae? 
Here we go:

1. Youthful Atmosphere Nightlife
I know I know I'm not young anymore, but living in such a dynamic and lively area make me feel alive again! Hongdae hosts lots of guesthouse, so you will meet many western and English-speaking tourists in Hongdae club. 

Not just club or pub, being an arts university a famous place to check out on the weekends in Hongdae is the gathering of musicians in the small park in Hongdae, it makes a great atmosphere in the evening and the crowd that gathers there can be pretty big. A Korean band ‘10cm’ were frequent players in Hongdae and gained a lot of fame in the area. Live Music in Hongdae Park enables you to meet future K-Pop stars! ^_^
some pub and club in Hongdae

2. Street Snacks
What I love about Seoul is you can never be hungry. Every 5 steps you can find "pojangmachas" (street snacks seller) What kind of snacks? Seems I've been talked much about them. They range from savory to sweet, spicy or not. You can choose freely and they are all yummy. When I'm in Seoul, I often skip lunch and dinner because I always eat street snacks!! LOL =))) I try to remember the names of them so will make me easier to order, but fail!! -___- Finally I just choose one by one or by pointing and ask "Igeo eolmayeyo?" -How much does it cost? And.....remembering some Korean words for numbers are very useful!! 
ilcheon won =1000won
icheon won =2000won
samcheon won =3000won
Let the picture talk how yummy Korean street snacks areeeeee :p
Yummy guarantee!!

3. Saturday Art Market
Wanna get your face drawing or get cartoon picture of yourself? You come to the correct place. Every weekend in Hongdae from the afternoon to early evening you can find a small art market in the park with many stands selling hand made products. It is a great place to pick up a gift or something unique while in Korea.

Hongdae Saturday Art Market

4. Themed Cafe
Korean loves coffee, or maybe just like to hangout in cafe? Hongdae hosts twenty or more themed cafe. They are so uniquely themed and adorable. If you looking for something special to blast your day, hongdae cafe can give you a smile in a rough day.

Bear Cafe
Hello kitty cafe
I went Hello Kitty cafe and spent 4000 won for Chocolate Banana Waffle and Jasmine’s latte costs 4200won. Kinda expensive and still hungry. Haha, well we bought the atmosphere not a drink :p

Nature Cafe
This one is my favorite: Sheep cafe with real sheep!! There are REAL cutie lambs in the coffee shop. You can seat near them.. pat them.. and feed them :)

* Address: 서울시 마포구 서교동 486 B1F (서교푸르지오상가 지하 121) 
      121, B1F Prugio, 486, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea

5. Nanta show
Not interested in Nanta Show? What if 9 of 10 of your friends tell you Nanta show is very funny and a "must watch show"? ^_^ Unfortunately I didn't have time to watch them even their building is kinda near to my guesthouse... But next time if have a chance will surely have a go.

The story is about three chef that prepared meals for a wedding party, then suddenly the Manager put one of his nephew that incapable of cooking in the team. That's when funny thing started :p

Nanta show

6. Trick Eye Museum
This place is a "MUST VISIT" place. Take a funny pictures of yourself and your friend. You will have alot of fun there. Really guys, they are better than Maddame Tussaud!!  You can find another trick eye museum in Busan and Jeju.
Trick eye museum

ps: Why they called Hongdae for Hongik University?
In Korea, university = daehagyo. So Hongik Daehagyo ....we called HONGDAE.... and Ehwa University we called EEDAE :D

Don't miss Hongdae for your trip! One day is not enoughhhhhhhhhhh............hahahaaa

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Visa Korea

Ngajuin visa ke Korea gampang-gampang susah. Kalo di Jakarta sih bisa dateng ke kedubesnya langsung, ada seorang temen di fd yang malah cuman 15 menit jadi visanya. Kalo aq di Semarang ga mungkin dong yah harus terbang dulu, ga efisien banget, musti pake biro perjalanan dan ditolak oleh 2 biro perjalanan karena mereka takut aq bakal kerja disana, jaelahhhhh hahahhaaaaa... ada2 aja. Akhirnya ada yg mau, lewat Nusantara, dan dokumen yang harus disiapin:

-Formulir aplikasi yang sudah diisi(dari agen tour ato dari kantor dubesnya)
-Pasport asli 
-Foto 4x6 background putih terbaru
-FC Ijazah terakhir
-FC Akta Nikah (kalo udah nikah)
-Surat Ijin dari perusahaan pake meterai, menerangkan perusahaan memberikan ijin cuti pada saya
-Surat Referensi Bank (minta dari bank, bayar 50ribu rupiah)
-FC tagihan kartu kredit 3bln terakhir 
-FC buku bank 3 bulan terakhir, ato deposito juga boleh
-FC SIUP perusahaan

-FC Print out tiket yang sudah konfirmasi
-Biaya pengajuan visa 300ribu per orang, berhubung gw luar kota jadi 500ribu
-Itinerary mau kemana aja (aku buat tabel, lengkap dengan biaya yang akan dikeluarkan)

Untuk saldo bank, nah ini aq dag-dig dug derrr bangett, saldonya 300ribu doang T.T trus di minggu2 terakhir tiba2 jadi 14juta. Ada yang bilang sih penambahannya jangan sekaligus, jadi bertahap gitu. (terlanjur tapi....hiks) deposito juga ada yang bilang ga boleh, tapi berhubung saldo gw kurang, jadi terpaksa disertain. Juga FC SPT PPH tahunan gw. 

Tahapan nunggunya itu yang sambil doa, berharap moga2 lolos......
2 minggu kemudian gw ditelpon, udah jadi visanya, YEAYYYYYY!!!!  Thanks God ^^

Monday, 28 October 2013

3 BEST Hiking Destination in Korea

Korean loves hiking, even when they are old. That's why they always vigor and high spirit. If you want to copy their lifestyle for your health, you can try hiking in Korea. HOHOHOOO :)

From September to November is the most pleasant time to visit Korea as the weather is mild. Make it as the ideal month for Hiking in Korea. There are plenty of groups expats to join to find company while exploring the country's myriad mountain trails. Some of them are: Seoul Hiking Group and HOW IS (Hiking on Weekday in Seoul). Warren Kim, the starter of both groups was actually almost an alcoholic since two car accidents and injured knee. A trip to a nearby mountain made Kim realize that being in nature healed him psychologically, making him feel as if he could breathe again. He wanted to share with others, so he start those groups. 

Find and join his group here. If you want to hiking with your own groups. This list below maybe can help you find the best trekking course:

1. Seorak-san


Within 5 hours journey by bus from Seoul, Seoraksan is one of the best autumn destinations in Korea. The charm of Seoraksan is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at:
Being one of 20 National park in Korea, Seorak-san is one of the best autumn destination in Korea. The charm of Seorak-san is when autumn leaves changing colors. scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. So put Seorak San in your first Hiking list now ^^
Getting there: 
From Seoul Station take Express Bus to Sokcho (3hours, 17.000 won). From the Sokcho bus station, cross the street head down the road a bit to the bus stop. From there, take either bus 7 or 7-1 to the last stop (15minutes, 1200 won) , the main entrance to Seoraksan National Park. The entrance fee is 3,400 for adults.
If you spend the night in the park, you will only have to pay this fee once. If you decide to stay in Sokcho, make sure that you double check when the last bus will be leaving. There are storage lockers located in several places just inside the entrance of the park.

is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at:
is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at:
is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at:
is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at:
Within 5 hours journey by bus from Seoul, Seoraksan is one of the best autumn destinations in Korea. The charm of Seoraksan is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at:
Within 5 hours journey by bus from Seoul, Seoraksan is one of the best autumn destinations in Korea. The charm of Seoraksan is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at:
Within 5 hours journey by bus from Seoul, Seoraksan is one of the best autumn destinations in Korea. The charm of Seoraksan is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at:
Within 5 hours journey by bus from Seoul, Seoraksan is one of the best autumn destinations in Korea. The charm of Seoraksan is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at:
Within 5 hours journey by bus from Seoul, Seoraksan is one of the best autumn destinations in Korea. The charm of Seoraksan is when autumn leaves changing colors. Although Seoraksan is always beautiful throughout four seasons, it’s still better to come on autumn. Seoraksan National Park has many hiking paths you can choose, and there you will see scenic Osaek Springs, Cheonbuldong Valley, Daesung Falls, and also Baekdam Creek. If you wish to explore the whole area, it would take minimum 2 days to enjoy it thouroughly. Since Seoraksan is close to the sea, you can also stop by to Naksan Beach, Gyeongpondas, and Yongpong Resort. After hiking, you can also consider visiting Seorak Waterpia hot spring. - See more at:
2. Odaesan National Park

Odaesan is not far from Seoraksan National park, and nearby attractions to visit are Naksansa Temple, Samcheok and Yangyang’s Hajodae Pavilion, and Gyeongpodae. 


Gangneung is the primary access point for Odaesan and can be reached from Busan and Seoul via train or express bus. Gangneung Bus Terminal is a 5 minute taxi ride fromGangneung Train Station. From the terminal, take a bus to Jinbu (W3,400). The ride takes about 45 minutes. At Jinbu Terminal, local buses can be found at the back of the complex (pay on the bus). Buses to Woljeongsa stop at the Minbak Village, which has all the lodging options for the southwest entrance. The ride takes about 20 minutes. If you want to go straight to the trailhead, take a bus to Sangwonsa, located about 8.3 km beyond Woljeongsa (50 min).

3. Jiri-san

Unlike Seoraksan which looks softer and calmer, Jirisan National Park offers you a more adventurous experience.  The area is known as one of the cleanest natural environments in Korea. And the autumn scenery is one of the most beautiful that you cannot miss! 

The autumn scenery in Jirisan starts from mid-October and more vivid color happens on late October. The crimson leaves beautiful scenery is what people are amazed of as they hike up the path. TO see one of the best autumn scenery here is from Piagol Valley. It also has accommodations on the mountain slopes so visitors can have a short-term stay here. During the fall season peak, local people celebrate Piagol Valley Crimson Leaves Festival. Jirisan is famous among tourists, so if you wish to witness the scenic autumn in Korea .


From Jinju Intercity Bus Terminal, take an intercity bus to Jungsan-ri (중산리).
*Bus Schedule: 06:10-21:10, runs 16 times a day

Famous as international hiking destination, South Korea offers various park, ranging from smooth, rolling hills and valleys to ragged, craggy ridges and sheer, rocky cliffs.
So how guys? Are u ready to hike? :D
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