So I'm having a new life here in the East Indonesia, which I dreamt to go to once for a while.
But vacation and living is absolutely different.
Biasa dimanjakan dengan gojek, promo supermarket, OVO, voucher dan mall dan sekarang menjalani hidup di desa tanpa itu semua. The worst thing besides the online shopping that have extra expensive shipping cost, is the internet connection that blocked for many apps.
But as you know my strength point is adaptable.
I'm adventurous woman that can adapt to new situation well. But my husband have differend standard of life than me :(
He said he may only stay here for 5 years, so I supposed to only buy for minimum life. We have TV, aircon, refrigerator, rice cooker, kettle electric, 2 springbeds, 2 cupboard, even some tables and bathtub.
Say it is not luxurious life, but I think more than enough. I was shock to hear my hubby wants sofa, and dinner set, which is pricey to shipped here, since it was 4 hours from the nearest city, Merauke, and even Merauke is only a village, not city at all. So assumed we shipped from Surabaya, how much will the shipping cost will be?
And also we didnt wanna live here forever.
Yes I wanna big mirror, big poster of family,
But after I have my own house..
One is veryy important in life is Peace of Mind.
Rather than always pursuit something, be peace is luxury ^^